Garden birds are struggling: four ways to help
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- January 14, 2022
More than a quarter of Britain’s birds are now on the RSPB’s red list, meaning that their numbers are in severe decline. Some of the recent additions to the red list are thought of as common garden birds, such as the greenfinch. Others, such as the swift and house martin, only spend spring and summer visiting […]
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Can your pets get coronavirus, and can you catch it from them?
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- January 14, 2022
Can my pet get the coronavirus? When talking about a virus, the words “get” or “catch” are vague. A more precise question is: Can my cat or dog become infected with SARS-CoV-2? The answer is yes. There is evidence from real-world cases as well as laboratory experiments that both cats and dogs can become infected […]
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Americans spend $70 billion on pets, and that money could do more good
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- January 14, 2022
Sylar, the border collie, has his own mansion along with a trampoline and indoor pool. The dog’s adorable features, along with his notable intelligence, earned his owner’s devotion along with many social media fans. Sylar’s mansion, where other pets can visit and indulge in expensive spa-like treatments such as massages, drew the media’s attention to the increased […]
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Five diseases you can catch from pets
- admin
- January 14, 2022
Love them or hate them, it is hard to get away from pets. And even if you don’t own one yourself, you are likely to come across them (or things they have left behind) regularly. Most interactions between humans and pets are likely to be overwhelmingly positive. But pets can carry some diseases that affect […]
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